Scrabble Word Checker on Google Assistant

Don't own a Scrabble centric dictionary?
Keeping track of Scrabble's rules is hard. Not sure whether proper nouns are allowed or not?
Need a quick way to check if you have a legal word, during an important game?

Scrabble Word Checker takes care of everything for you.
Sit back, just ask your Google Assistant on your phone or smart speaker! You can check if a certain word is allowed and you'll get back a tile score as well!

Check it out on ProductHunt!

Scrabble Word Checker - Check legal Scrabble words | Product Hunt Embed

Keep Scrabble Word Checker open during your next game of scrabble!

It checks Scrabble rules

Don't worry if you don't remember all the rules, SWC remembers them for you. Ask it if you can use a proper noun:

User: Ok Google, talk to Scrabble Word Checker

User: Is Nile a valid Scrabble word?
SWC: No, Nile is not a valid Scrabble word.

It gives you a tile score

Get a tile score when you enter a valid word:

User: Ok Google, talk to Scrabble Word Checker

User: Is carrot okay?
SWC: Yes, carrot is a valid Scrabble word. You'll get a score of 8 for it.

Need some secrecy?

Want to check a word, but don't want to say it out loud? SWC's got you. You can type in our query, instead!

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